Social Media Best Practices

By Brian Knight Posting on social media is no longer just a fun hobby, it’s a crucial part of marketing your business; it helps you gain new prospects and retain your current clients. So if your teenage daughter has been your social media guru up till now, here are some of our tips for managing…read more.

5 Documentaries To Watch After Watching Tiger King

By Kelsey Knight After your thrilling “Tiger King” binge ended, suddenly all your favorite TV shows seem lackluster in comparison to the mullet-fueled, drug-ridden, narcissistic world of big cat owners, complete with a score of original country music. Joe Exotic, the self-proclaimed “gay, gun-carrying redneck with a mullet” took us on a wild ride into…read more.

How To Elevate Your Brand Through Social Media

It seems like there is a new social media platform every time you go online. With nearly three-quarters of the U.S. population using one or more social media sites, there is a huge opportunity to get your business out into the world, but navigating through can be confusing and time-consuming. Below are some tips from…read more.

12 Principles Of Animation

In the early days of the studio, Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston developed a list of ideas that came to be known as the 12 principles of animation. These 12 things are details that animators have to take into consideration with every piece they create, and cover a range of ideas, from details…read more.

Color in Branding

As a designer, I work with many elements. I deal with lines, shapes, fonts, logos, etc. The list goes on. I find, however, that the most impactful element is color. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming. This is a simple guide to color in branding. Know Your Brand Before you can…read more.

Typography Trends

Great design combines stunning imagery, powerful color theory, and great typography. As an artist turned designer, I’m always looking for new, innovative ways to incorporate words into a visual medium. But how do you stay current in the ever-changing design world when there are so many trends and styles? This is a brief guide to…read more.

Animation Styles 101

When you hear the word animation, we know exactly what you think of. You think of Disney and cheesy cartoons on TV. But animation is a whole lot more than that (but let’s be real, Disney movies and TV cartoons are awesome). There are a lot of different kinds of animation, and even more styles…read more.

Bullseye Welcomes New Web Developer

Bullseye Media recently gained a new team member who brings a lot of hard work and talent every day of the week. Veronica Ho, Junior Web Developer, answered a few questions for us so we could learn how she became the gifted web developer that she is today!   Where are you from? Hong Kong….read more.

5 Things To Consider When Working With Drones

As fun as it is to fly our drone around at shoots, there’s a lot of prep required before we film and caution while it’s in the air. Here are some things you may not have considered when it comes to flying a drone: Your Environment Bystanders It is highly frowned upon by both law…read more.