What Is UX/UI and Why Does My Website Need It?
UX/UI is the process of creating a positive experience for users when they engage with your website.
UX/UI is the process of creating a positive experience for users when they engage with your website.
If you’ve ever seen an advertisement, marketing blast, or product packaging, you’ve encountered the work of a copywriter. While copywriters are prolific, you will likely never put a name to the words they produce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 131,200 writers are currently employed in America, many of whom work in relative anonymity…read more.
Fighting over the definition of “art” is as ancient as the human subjectivity that makes the fight impossible to resolve. It is the opinion of this advertising artist that the endless argument about what constitutes art is, in itself, an art form. But I digress. The crux of the debate about art, and whether advertising…read more.
As the human attention span continues to shrink, and as every end user is bombarded with colorful content from several devices for the entirety of the waking day, the question of which content you should produce becomes an important and urgent one. It is difficult to cut through the noise while still retaining the voice…read more.
Back in a time when bathing was an annual event and a group of anonymous women penned plays under the name “William Shakespeare,” traveling bands of musicians roamed the London streets, singing for their supper. Supper didn’t always come, so local businesses would sponsor them in exchange for some catchy tunes to drive up business….read more.
From political candidates, to job seekers, to recording artists, those that succeed generally have an interesting story. This is why tabloid magazines are widely read, and why you might know more about your favorite artists and notable individuals than you know about your own family members. On a much more professional level, your story could…read more.
As a designer, I work with many elements. I deal with lines, shapes, fonts, logos, etc. The list goes on. I find, however, that the most impactful element is color. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming. This is a simple guide to color in branding. Know Your Brand Before you can…read more.
Great design combines stunning imagery, powerful color theory, and great typography. As an artist turned designer, I’m always looking for new, innovative ways to incorporate words into a visual medium. But how do you stay current in the ever-changing design world when there are so many trends and styles? This is a brief guide to…read more.
When you hear the word animation, we know exactly what you think of. You think of Disney and cheesy cartoons on TV. But animation is a whole lot more than that (but let’s be real, Disney movies and TV cartoons are awesome). There are a lot of different kinds of animation, and even more styles…read more.