Does My Business Need a TikTok in 2023?
Modern business models have evolved to meet consumers where they are. While the brick and mortar is still very much alive, consumers find and shop for products in a variety of ways, through order pick-ups, delivery and of course, social media. As audiences and business trends evolve, reaching and engaging with your customers online isn’t just a nice thing to do; It’s essential for your business to survive.
There are a number of different ways to reach your new customers, from robust SEO practices to promoting via social media — including adding TikTok for business. Consumer trends have quickly shifted to an increasingly more digital and video-focused way of life, and TikTok has emerged as the authority in this sense. Having your pulse on how to do business online, including TikTok, is an essential first step to keeping up with new audiences and customers. There are many benefits of TikTok for businesses in 2023, but does that mean every business needs one? Here are a few essential considerations before you bring your business to the popular social media platform.
Consider Your Audience
One of the more important considerations for businesses that are looking to start a TikTok in 2023 is their audience. Reaching the right people for your business is critical. Ask yourself, is your audience on TikTok?
The majority of TikTok users in 2022 consisted of women under the age of 25. Of course, this isn’t the only demographic on the platform, and there are plenty of ways to reach your audience if they are on TikTok. Learn who your primary audience is and what they value. Are they on social media, let alone TikTok? If so, what are their interests? What kind of videos and content do they enjoy?
Knowing your audience is the first step to successfully setting up TikTok for business in 2023. When you can refine who you want to target on the platform, you can inform a greater marketing strategy to reach the right consumers and drive engagement for your brand.
Create Impactful Content
What kind of content will you want to create for your business’s TikTok account? Do you know what your audience enjoys? Modern audiences have short attention spans and need to be drawn in immediately, or else you may face the dreaded “swipe up.”
Create impactful content on TikTok to keep your audience engaged and your business relevant. Many audiences enjoy “real” content that depicts honest transactions and transparency. TikTok suggests hopping on trends, including using different dances and sounds to stay relevant to your target audience.
The tricky part of making a TikTok for business is that it takes time. You can’t necessarily “whip something up” like you can otherwise for a Facebook post, for example. Filming and editing a TikTok can include multiple takes, synching the sound and video, and crafting the perfect caption.
Leverage user data to inform your TikTok strategy. For example, almost 80% of users report engaging with brands that clearly show they understand the platform and the audiences on the app. Sponsored videos may receive a lot of views, but low engagement rates. Take the time to map out a TikTok strategy, do your research and create impactful content that is engaging, interesting and designed to improve your brand on all platforms.
What Are Your Goals?
Finally, if you are considering making a TikTok for business this year, ask yourself why you are doing it. This can lead to some revealing answers and can better inform your marketing strategy. Do you want a TikTok just because it’s trendy? Are your goals on TikTok to increase leads, grow your brand recognition or drive conversions?
Marketing without a strategy is just speaking into the void and hoping someone will hear what you have to say. Develop a TikTok strategy that works. Once again (at the risk of sounding like a broken record), consider how your audience interacts with brands online and what they use the app for. Many younger generations use social media for online shopping and inspiration. Does that apply to your brand?
Businesses can leverage TikTok’s features to increase their audience and grow awareness. In fact, many brands have actually reported an increase in leads and conversions, thanks to the app. But this data isn’t by happenstance. In order for this to be accomplished, it is critical to have laid out a clear understanding of how you can use the app to your advantage and how you will execute a TikTok strategy.
Before you create your company’s TikTok account, collaborate with your marketing and leadership teams to establish clear goals for this year. Develop KPIs that are meaningful and achievable through the app, and keep your sights set on realistic expectations. If you do this, you should see great success for your business’s TikTok account.
Focus on Impactful Social Media
Staying on top of the latest market trends and platforms is essential for modern businesses. As audience behavior evolves and consumer trends ebb and flow, so too must your business practices. Effective social media efforts have proven to give businesses online engagement and increased leads and conversions that establish themselves as true digital leaders in the marketplace.
Sometimes, staying on the more “traditional” social media platforms, including Facebook and LinkedIn, may be the better move for your business. Find ways to engage with your audience and achieve your goals while keeping their consumer goals in mind.
Asking yourself if your business needs a TikTok in 2023 is an important step. Regardless of the answer, it is great that you are asking the question and considering new ways to reach your audience and grow your business. Basic business strategy means conducting market research constantly and keeping up with consumer behavior — and then acting accordingly.
If you want to leverage social media, including TikTok, for your business this year, let’s start a conversation. We are digital marketing specialists who can collaborate with you to discover your audience and set a marketing strategy that is tailored to your business goals. Let’s get your business trending in the right direction.